Wedding Day Emergency Kit - don't leave home without it
Here's what the Bride should have
on hand:
-Nail File
-Extra Panty Hose for entire wedding party
-Clear Nail Polish for those who forget
-Same color nail polish (for touch ups)
-Fabric Tape
-Sewing Kit (small)
-Safety Pins (large & small)
-Nail glue
-Brush & Comb
-Bobby pins
-Make-up for touch ups (lipstick, rouge,powder, eye
make-up remover
and q-tips)
-Water & paper cups
-Smelling Salts for the faint-away bride or groom with cold feet
-Bottle of chilled champagne!
-Extra pair of contacts
-Baby Wipes or Shout Wipes for removing stains
-White chalk or baby powder, to cover stains
that won't come out
Thanks for your suggestions. Keep them
It there's anything we forgot to add to
this list, please email us and let us know!
Also, we've been getting suggestions
for the guys. We're looking for more. Please include 'Guys Emergency
Kit' in the top of your email.