Location, Location, Location:
How to Use Premium Domains as Premium Property

Acquiring an exact match domain name, that includes a geo target exact match premium domain name is a paramount foundation for success. 

A domain that includes a geo target by name joined with the service industry by name is priceless. 


Location, location, location - Those three words instantly convey wise investment strategies that lead to current and future portfolio holdings. A physical business location paired with a digital domain location secures a commanding position of authority. At this stage in consumer/market education, most of us immediately grasp these concepts without extended research or education in real estate investment. “Location” guides and overarches all real estate decision-making, options for capitalization on an investment, and even ease of future resale if we do invest.

Premium domains are the new real estate of today. Advance yourself, your brand, and your business by understanding how to use premium domains as premium property.

Location: Brand Credibility & Market Share

Brand Recognition + Generic Credibility = More Brand Recognition


Most companies own multiple brands. On top of that, marketing agencies utilize multiple approaches to target various consumer audiences. For consumers who are undecided or unfamiliar with your brand, a two-fold approach is more valuable than just pushing brand recognition alone. Brand recognition efforts are vital. For maximum effectiveness, combine them with efforts to grow credibility for consumers who are unfamiliar with your brand or undecided.

Acquiring an exact match domain name that includes a geo target exact match premium domain name is a paramount foundation for success.  A domain that includes a 

geo target by name joined with the service industry by name is priceless. 

Now, premium domain names don’t exclusively add value for startups or an unknown brand entering international markets. Barnes & Noble owns Books.com, attracting curious book lovers. Bank of America surely closes millions more of sales on their premium domain Loans.com… What can a premium domain attract for your location:

Location: In Consumer Mindshare and Social Share

Memorable, easy to spell, therefore easy to share. If within budget, also short enough to share in places that limit characters.


Investing in a billboard has no value if a consumer can’t remember the brand when done driving. Or if they can’t spell your brand and wind up at a competitor’s site… That seems quite obvious, right? But we see so many major brands as well as small businesses make this mistake with their domain portfolio strategy.
Your brand name doesn’t have to be the same as your domain name, but a premium domain name will add value to your brand either way.

Location: In Traffic

Microsoft has conducted multiple studies showing that premium domains can result in greater conversion in search engine results.

Understand how exact match domains drive revenue and decrease ad budgets as well. Don’t leave your brand in the dust – build premium domain names into your overall business strategy.